Thursday, July 28, 2005
Enjoy the song....
Simply click Here to view the song lyrics... Thank You...!!
TyS mIsSiNg yOu ==[10:33 PM]
Friday, July 08, 2005
06072005.. ToTo no.. hehe.. no la.. is the date of Syf Opening la.. Wednesday... hmm.. that day as per normal.. morning got class.. then my sch end at 3.. but the rest end at 5.. so after my class ended.. i meet YongXing at Sp.. then we go one of the foodcourt rest n eat something.. then later YewOn came find us.. when he reached.. we finished eating then went down to Np.. sHu yInG also end the class at 3 ba i think.. then she called.. ask where r we.. cos our plan is meet at Np then go down tgt.. then she called liao.. Ls called.. also the same thing asked where we r.. then since they r free le then we 3 take bus down to Np meet them lor.. met up wif Ls n She Ying le.. then slack at their atrium.. wait for george n xzhi to come down.. then 5pm liao.. everyone met up le.. then we divided 2 2 groups take cab down SCH..
Reached SCH le.. jus nice the YHHB members came out to haf their dinner.. then we went in put our bag.. went out to haf our dinner also.. after that.. went back to the room.. the members preparing themselves.. then we went up to watch the concert.. wah seh.. aLL really Gold of Honour de standard sia.. (actually im trying to say YHHB also..) haha.. reaLLy nice man they play.. clap clap clap... then got a cute little girl sit few rounds in front of us.. got so much musical talent.. add fun to the concert.. haha.. the song finsihed she there.. "ehhh" or "na na.. nana.. na.." hahaha.. so funny lor.. all laugh sia.. haha.. think of it wan to laugh .. (",) ..then after YHHB perform finsihed le.. we also went down to the room.. cos get ready to go le ma.. then one bus came le.. i follow the first bus back wif them.. then reached Yuhua.. so dark.. then the 2nd bus came later.. when everybody gathered le.. mdm peng tok abit.. then let them go le.. cos the next day still got sch.. soemore that time aready 10something le.. yep.. then everyone Home Sweet Home...
the end.. byeeeeeeee
TyS mIsSiNg yOu ==[5:25 PM]
Saturday, July 02, 2005

Say cHeeZeezzzzzzzz... haha.. cute right?? or handsome?? im refering to the baby la.. not mi.. relac la.. haha.. and yes.. thanx.. i know im cute 2.. but the baby much more cuter... hahaha.. try posting pictures in blog.. if not my blog aLL words.. no pic quite sian ma.. true? ok.. so frm now onwards.. my blog will haf pics le.. heeZ.... come my blog often la.. then tag tag also.. if not quiet quiet ah.. thanx.. k.. end here.. take care guys... byeeee
TyS mIsSiNg yOu ==[2:32 PM]