Thursday, April 05, 2007
Time to update i guess.. haha.. cos again got pple say i very long didnt update le.. haha.. so jus update a short one.. :)
28th April - Exciting Sentosa Trip.. haha... abt this day leh.. shall not say much la.. some of my frends aready update le.. so i no need to say again.. jus refer to their blog can aready.. HAHA!! Samuel n Zuer de also can.. hehe.. oh.. thats thats for 28th April de..
Ytd, 3rd May - Morning went to bowling at CDANS.. cos very cheap.. 1.80/game.. haha.. so join sam n george.. when i reached they aready bowled half of the first game le.. so i join them at 2nd game.. then warm up.. then one of the round we compete.. the lowest score de treat drinks.. n the preson is... **Drum rolling~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHIANG!!** Mr George Koh.. haha.. he treat up drinks but limited to hot drinks onli.. so we haf our drinks..

As u can see.. the biggest finger is our treater.. thanx George.. haha.. he ordered his usual "fishing" drinks.. center is sam.. Milo.. the most Xpensive drinks de.. haha.. n the nobody pointing de Teh is mine.. cos was taking photo.. haha.. not bad la.. morning got pple treat drinks le.. shall organise more of it.. hahaha.. joking la.. total bowled 6 games.. cos its cheap.. haha.. throw the ball as if is free like that.. haha.. after that went to JE market eat our lunch.. eat finished le.. then saw 3 yuhua student sitting abt 2 tables away from us.. n is someone we know.. haha.. so sam walk over n chit chat wif them.. after that.. george going back Np for lesson.. while on the way there.. his frend called him.. saying that the previous lesson his frend help him sign attendance but teacher call name.. checked that he is not ard.. so consider absent.. haha.. send him to sch liao then send Sam back home then send myself home.. haha.. rest.. do abit things.. then nite dinner wif dear.. then go home.. so thats abt ytd.. SHORT post onli la.. haha.. ok
TyS mIsSiNg yOu ==[1:50 PM]
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Here to update...
Done. Haha.. cos "i jus dun like to write compo".. ermm sounds familiar? haha.. hope nobody will come my blog and ask mi to close my blog.. haha.. due to short update.. haha..
9/3 - evening time went to Sam hse play water.. haha.. wanna prepare abit for NS.. got know ABIT how to trap water le.. hehe.. thanx Coach(es) :)
Then after that went to haf our dinner at .. at... OH!.. Henderson Road.. yep.. eat Porridge.. hehe.. after dinner.. went to our standard activity.. Bo Ling at Chevrons.. haha.. shall not post abt first 2 games.. cos nth much.. 3RD GAME!!.. WHOOoo~~.. haha.. most exciting one.. haha.. Sam.. u didnt come abit wasted.. haha.. Mr Tay and Mr "chop chop.. Peace"(Steve) one group.. Mr Ant and Mr Koh one team.. haha.. one throw after another is very exciting.. haha.. but sad thing.. we lost to Ant-Koh team by treating them drinks.. somemore a can of drinks is quite Xpensive.. NVM.. "Hua Hee Tio Ho".. haha.. NEXT TIME!! haha.. then after that we went...
Thats all.. :)
Take Care Everyone..
TyS mIsSiNg yOu ==[4:41 AM]
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Time now - 10.30pm
One and half hour to CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!! haha..
GoodBye my love~ wo di Vouchers, Zai Jian~~ haha..

Thanx to my Xiong Di(s) and Frend(s).. :)
i had used the handphone vouchers le.. yep.. haha.. here to update my update for the Dog year of 2006 and welcome the Pig year 2007..
k la.. jus update abit.. really abit.. actually is a forgot wat i wanna update le.. so stop here lor.. haha.. kk
Here early wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year and a prosperity years ahead!!
"HUAT AH!!!!" haha
TyS mIsSiNg yOu ==[6:47 AM]
Monday, January 29, 2007
Im BACK!! But think so long nv update.. also nobody will come back visit liao.. haha.. Haf change to a new blog skin.. Nice rite? I know its nice.. haha.. All thanx to my Dear.. haha.. at first i go my blog.. i tot i went wrong.. went to Sam blog.. cos black color background wif white fonts.. but then see 'my wife' - [dear kan bu dao these 2 words.. LoL] pics.. oOps.. hehe.. then i know is my blog.. haha.. also yi ge Tian, yi ge Di as compared to mrSam Blog ma.. [Sam also kan bu dao this line of words].. hahaha.. nahhh.. jus joking la.. know inside heart jiu hao le.. hahaha..Ok.. my attachment has finally finished.. quite fast la.. like tat jiu 4 months le.. :) but didnt see any money growing.. haha.. hmm.. then after my attachment will go dad shop help cos Chinese New Year is coming to town~~~!! ha ha ha.. after that.. then walk one step, see one step lor.. see going to find outside work anot after Chinese New Year.. then work few months.. n wait for the Guys' life time 2 years chalet.. hehe..K la.. jus a short update.. haha.. dunno when will be the next post again.. haha.. ok.. cya pple ard. :) ByeBye.
TyS mIsSiNg yOu ==[5:57 AM]
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Im Back.
Haha.. since got pple "complain" say mi no update.. then shall update one post.. think can last till i attachment finished.. which is about 4 months.. haha..
Attachment nowadays.. so basically.. everyday i do de thing is.....
7.20am - Wake up
8.00am - Went out of house
9.00 plus am - Reach shop then open shop
9.00 plus am to 6pm - Working time [Time pass very fast, so is a good thing.. haha]
6.15pm - Reach Bugis MRT station [Going home.. Yay!!]
7.15pm - Home Sweet Home
The rest of the nite - OTOT then slp
The Next day... same as above.. haha.. yea.. so thats my attachment life nowadays..
Hmm.. The weather is soooo hazy nowadays.. PPle out there got to take care.. ok.. will end here.. maybe when attachment end then will post a new update.. MAYBE la.. haha.. but can come often visit to tag tag also no harm rite.. Oh Ya!! Not forgetting to thanx SOMEONE who gave my tagbox a new life.. haha.. no need say out la hor.. know jiu hao.. :D hahahaha.. okok.. ByeByeeeeee
TyS mIsSiNg yOu ==[6:18 AM]
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
*Cough Cough*..
Sooo dusty.. haha.. cos very long no update liao.. haha.. think also very less pple visit liao.. cos no update ma.. got visit also see the same old post.. haha.. paiseh ar[ To: those who visit my blog de].. hee..
ok.. in the previous post.. i tok abt exam stuffs.. hmm.. got back my result.. average la.. but all modules passed.. its a good thing.. haha.. and school holiday is over.. having my attachment now..
Hmm.. Starting of attachment..
1st Day - Very Xiong... [Xiong is.. ermm.. tiring, not fierce. haha]
2nd Day - Abit Xiong...
Today, 3rd Day - Xiong...
Haha.. then now blogging.. Tmr still haf to work.. hope the weekends faster come then can relax abit liao.. haha..
Tmr boss go holiday.. but too bad as a worker as mi.. no holiday.. its not fair.. haha.. Bon Voyage to them.. enjoy the holiday.. haha..
k la.. will end here.. jus a short update for my blog.. hehe.. kk.. take care boys n girls.. haha.. cya ard..!!
TyS mIsSiNg yOu ==[7:03 AM]
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Finally.. due to blogger de webpages keep on cant loading.. Hao Bu Rong Yi come to this page for mi to update..
Actually also dunno wat to update.. jus feeling nothing to say about this afternoon de exam paper.. haiz~~... estimated that mus get at least 44/100 to pass the module.. although 44/100 is fail.. BUT cos this weightage is 50%.. so i need 22/50 to clear the module..
Sad to say.. i counted roughly how much i will get for this paper by adding up the points which i think i can score.
AGAIN!! very sad to say.. i counted and got lower than wat i need to score!! SHIT MAN!!!
Tsk.. *taking deep breathe*.......
Friday, 25th Aug, last paper to go.. PROJECT MANAGEMENT.
Thinking that by sleep thr the lecture and pon the lecture.. does not understand wat this module is actually about n wat is the use exactly.. jus to manage time for project? perhaps.. hmm..
So.. Pass?
We will see.......... . . . . . . . . . . .
TyS mIsSiNg yOu ==[11:45 PM]